Follow the links to the left
for additional course information (or the image
below those buttons to get to the UIUC course catalog).
As you can see from the main page, my interests fall under two main
areas: Computer-Mediated Communication and Second Language
Reading & Writing.
EIL 445: Teaching Second Language Reading and
Writing, is aimed primarily of
future teachers of English as a Second Language, but also often
contains future teachers of other languages, who are very welcome in
the class.
EIL 587: Computer-Mediated
Communication for Language Teaching is a seminar course that explores how computer networks (e.g. the Internet) can be used in
the language learning process to engage in authentic communication to
enhance that learning. The technologies utilized in this course range
from the most basic (email), to Discussion Boards, MOOs, Blogs, Wikis,
Pod & Vidcasting, Internet
Telephony, and video conferencing.
EIL 587:
Virtual Worlds and Beyond: Teaching Language in Today's
Networked World includes an
overview of CMC, but more closely focuses on the role of virtual
worlds in language learning. This course includes a great deal
of work in the VW Second Life.
ESL 507:
Advanced Academic Writing for MATESL
is a high level writing course designed specifically for non-native
speakers of English entering the MATESL program at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. |