Two recent trips that confirmed my belief in just how cool the world is were to the Czech Republic (Prague and Brno) and to Japan, where my wife and I visited Kyoto, Nara, and Himeji Castle. Prague (the first three thumbs below--click for a larger version) is one of the most historically intact cities of Europe. Because it was not destroyed in either WWI or WWII, and because the Soviets left the central buildings largely alone, it is really like taking a trip back in time to Europe of the 1600's. Truly an amazing city that I highly recommend that everyone see! On the other side of the world we had a totally different travel experience in Japan, my wife's home country. While I discovered that almost all of the pictures we took reflected the "old" Japan (see below), I was also struck by the amazing mixing of the ancient with the modern in cities like Kyoto.